"Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanders or slaves to much wine.
They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women
to love their husbands and children."
Titus 2:3-4
"Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanders or slaves to much wine.
They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women
to love their husbands and children."
Titus 2:3-4
Wednesday Bible Study
Wednesday evening Bible study will resume on Wednesday, September 4 from 6:30-7:30pm. We will studying the Book of Act. Please join us for this time in the Word. Children will be in the gym for Bible study as well.
Thursday Women's Bible Study
We Gather Together the 1st & 3rd Thursday of The Month
from 4-5:30pm.
Please purchase & Bring the book, Behold & Believe, by Courtney Doctor & Joanna Kimbrel (click on the picture for one website it is available on).
Summer Break (June, July, August)
September 12th - Chapter 5: Day 1-2
September 19th - Chapter 5: Day 3-5
October 3rd - Chapter 6: Day 1-2
October 17th - Chapter 6: Day 3-5
November 7th - Chapter 7: Day 1-2
November 21st - Chapter 7: Day 3-5
We gather for brunch every other month starting in February on the 3rd Saturday of the month, from 9:00 to 11:00 AM.
Children are welcome!!
We plan to gather together for a time of food, fellowship,
devotion, and games.
Please sign up & bring a brunch dish to share.
2024 Gatherings
February 17th - At the Church
April 20th - Amanda Lafferty's Home
June 15th - Renee Kim's Home
August 17th - Angie Faux's Home
Fall Women's Conference
"Remember Your Joy"
Saturday, November 2, 2024, will be our first ever fall 1-Day Women's Conference. This will be an all-day event and include an a la carte breakfast during check-in from 8:30-9am and lunch. There will be 3 main session speakers, break-out discussion groups, and several times of worship. We pray you will join us for this special day as we work through three salvation stories in the Old Testament that point us to Christ. Pre-registration is required. Please call Amanda at 815-223-2854 for help with registration or any questions. You can also email Amanda at office@gbfperu.org.
For a printable registration to mail with payment, click here.
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